Game Mastery: Tutorials and FAQs.
Welcome to our Tutorials and FAQs hub, your go-to resource for mastering every aspect of DECISION Network. Whether you`re a novice or a seasoned player, dive into our comprehensive guides and FAQ section, designed to empower you with the knowledge and strategies needed to conquer the game. Explore step-by-step tutorials, find answers to common questions, and enhance your gameplay with visually rich insights. Let`s embark on the journey to become a true DECISION master.

How to Register and Connect Your Wallet?
• For creating a new wallet, it is recommended to use MetaMask. This reliable tool provides unique features and ensures the security of your assets. The creation process is straightforward: follow detailed instructions available online to create a new wallet with a secure seed phrase.
• To ensure security, always use a clean wallet for each new project by creating a new wallet with a new seed phrase. This guarantees your safety.
How to Start Playing (Create, Accept, or Cancel Bets)?
• Acceptance of bets is open without any restrictions.
• The size of the bet cannot be changed; it can only be canceled and a new one created. Each time a bet is placed, it is physically sent to the smart contract and cannot be altered. To change a bet, you must cancel it, return it to your wallet, and then create a new one. After creating a bet, a cancellation button appears, allowing you to return the bet to your wallet if needed.
• Creating or accepting bets involves the following stages:
→ Aprove - permission for tokens to move from your wallet. This request is sent for each bet, with the amount equal to the bet size (e.g., if the bet is 1000 AMBER, the Aprove request will be for 1000 AMBER).
→ Join - after a successful Aprove, a request for a transaction of AMBER tokens to the smart contract is initiated. Depending on whether you are creating or accepting a bet, a game request will be created or a pre-existing game will be launched, respectively.
→ Sign - this step occurs only after both players have successfully transacted their AMBER tokens to the combat smart contract. Signing the transactions initiates the gameplay, during which the winner will be determined.
• Remember: 1 wallet = 1 game/bet. While waiting for an opponent (who placed a bet), starting a new game is not possible. Canceling a bet allows you to accept an existing bet from another player.
• You can cancel a bet until the Join process begins. After that, the bet is sent to the smart contract and cannot be changed or canceled.
• If a player loses connection within the first three rounds, they have the option to return by reloading the page and reusing the signature if the wallet is connected.
How to Add the Polygon Network and AMBER Token (Amber Soul Stone)?
• Next, go back up and copy the AMBER token smart contract address. Open MetaMask, go to Tokens → Import Tokens and paste the copied token address into the corresponding field Token Contract Address. The remaining data will be filled in automatically.
How to Exchange Tokens, Including from Other Networks?
What types of cards and effects exist?
Played or discarded cards are returned to the deck after it is exhausted. Game decks are refreshed after each match: they are discarded, shuffled, and returned to the deck for the next game. You can discard a card by holding and dragging it to the bottom right corner, refreshing your hand in the next round. To use a card, the required mana of the corresponding color (red, green, blue) is needed. Each card specifies the mana color and the amount to be spent. By playing a card, a player loses the corresponding amount of mana. Cards do not have upgrade levels. Their effectiveness depends on the strategy, the cards in hand, and the current game situation. Cards are divided into three rarities: common, rare, and epic. The rarity is indicated on each card and determines its uniqueness. Cards can have various effects, including:
• Defense: Mana restoration, health restoration, and mana income increase. Getting additional cards in hand. Exchange of armor and mana between players. Resetting mana income to starting values.
• Attack: Stealing mana from the opponent. Destruction of the opponent's mana. Reducing the opponent's mana income. Dealing damage to armor and health. Bypassing armor and direct damage to health. Pulling cards from the opponent's hand.
• Combined Effects: Cards can have one or multiple effects, combining defensive and offensive actions. Cards can combine different effects, providing players with a wide range of tactical possibilities.

What is the DECISION Universe?
What is the Decision Polygon?
What role does the Great Tree of Destiny play?
Who are the Mushrooms in this universe?
What is the significance of Amber Soul Stones (AMBER)?
How does DECISION unfold within this universe?
Can players engage with the Mushrooms in DECISION?
How does DECISION impact the DECISION Universe?
Is DECISION a real game?
What is the overall theme of the DECISION Universe?